Meeting documents

  • Meeting of High Wycombe Town Committee, Tuesday, 23rd January, 2018 7.00 pm (Item 34.)


The Committee welcomed Julia Turner, Senior Accountant, to the meeting who explained that the report set out the proposed budget for 2018/19 for Special Expenses and the impact on the precept.  It was noted that the details of the estimates for 2018/19 were attached at Appendix A.


Members were informed that the Council Tax precept was based on the tax base calculated in terms of Band D equivalent properties.  The tax base for 2018/19 was 22,670 (21,971 in 2017/18). The increase in properties meant that the precept for the unparished area of High Wycombe would increase by £12,117 if the Band D tax for Special Expenses was left unchanged, amounting to a total precept of £388,107 in 2018/19.


The Senior Accountant informed Members that there was a reoccurring date error within the report which should read 31 March 2019 rather than 31 March 2018 and these references could be found in paragraphs 2, 12, 13, 14 and 15. 


The Senior Accountant explained that the Queensway Cemetery Phase 1 fees had been approved in October which could be found on page 7 of the agenda.  


The Committee were referred to the three options for setting precept listed on page 5 of the agenda in sections 13, 14 & 15.  The Senior Accountant requested that Members bear in mind the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) work and Phase 2 & 3 of Queensway Cemetery. 


In discussion Members questioned where the bus shelters the Council had paid towards, via special expenses, were located and also who was responsible for footway lighting in private roads.  The Senior Accountant responded by stating that she was unable to answer both those questions but would ask Community & Facilities Management for a response. 


It was questioned why the Committee would want to fund BIDCO to tackle ASB.  The Senior Accountant responded by explaining that she had been advised the Committee may work with BIDCO in the future which she would investigate further. 


Members questioned why ‘maintenance to grounds’ with regard to High Wycombe Cemetery for 2016/17 equated to £8,529 and had then been budgeted for £21,900 for 2017/18 and again in 2018/19.  The Senior Accountant responded by stating that she was unable to answer the question and would need to talk to Community Officers who contract the work and set the level of the budget she would find out and get back to the Committee Member.


Members questioned how the rates with regard to High Wycombe Cemetery were worked out.  The Senior Accountant responded by stating that business rates would be calculated on the building(s) at the cemetery she would contact Revenues and Benefits and get back to the Committee Member.


It was raised that the balances for 2016/17 to 2018/19 had practically halved and it was questioned what a normal reserve balance was.  The Senior Accountant responded by stating that the minimum level of reserves was £150k but the level of reserves would depend on the Committee’s future spending aspirations.  It was noted that the Senior Accountant believed a 5-Year Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) was needed which was something she planned to work on over the summer.  Members stated that the Committee would welcome a 5-Year MTFP.


The Chairman responded to a question on match-funding by explaining that if Members wished to help improve / repair community facilities they could do so by applying for available grants (up to £10k).  


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That the current level of Band D tax for Special Expenses be left unchanged.


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